Terms of Service for Prestige Client

Effective Date: July 4th, 2023

These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of the Prestige Client ("Client") and any associated services provided by us. By signing up and using the Client, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you may not sign up or use the Client.

1. Access to the Client/Terms of License

1.1 To gain access to the Client, you must redeem an alphanumeric string of characters (key), which is required for the sign-up process.
1.2 Upon sign-up, you will be granted a lifetime subscription and access to the Client's dashboard, download, and usage in its entirety.
1.3 The Client may not be resold without prior notice from the owner.
1.4 Any reverse engineering of the Client is strictly prohibited. Engaging in activities such as reverse engineering, decompiling, sharing, duplicating, or any suspicious activity surrounding the Client is not allowed. We reserve the right to terminate your account if any such activities are detected.
1.5 By using the Client, you consent to the verification of your hardware components to ensure lawful use of the Client.

2. Pricing and Payment

To access the Client, you are required to pay a one-time fee as specified by us.

3. Refunds

All fees paid for accessing the Client are non-refundable.

4. Links

Our website may contain links to external websites. We are not responsible for the content or reliability of these linked websites. The inclusion of any such links does not imply endorsement or guarantee by us.

5. Discord

The Discord server is separate from the Client and is considered a free add-on. While we aim to provide access to the Discord server, we reserve the right to remove users from the server at any time without prior notice.

6. Termination of Services

6.1 We have the right to remove any version of the Client, including previous and up-to-date versions, or discontinue the provision of services associated with the Client or the Discord server at any time. Such changes will be communicated through a notice on our website. In such cases, users do not have the right to a partial or full refund.
6.2 We reserve the right to partially or fully terminate the license and provision of services related to the Client and the Discord server to a user without prior notice or obligation to provide refunds or compensation unless otherwise expressly stated below. This includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:
6.2.1 Sharing user account or access to the Client with any third person.
6.2.2 Violating or attempting to violate the restrictions and prohibitions outlined in Section 1.3.
6.2.3 Attempting to circumvent or manipulate the safeguards outlined in Section 1.4.
6.2.4 Making a payment for the Client without the account holder's permission and subsequently initiating a chargeback, refund, or similar action.
6.2.5 Violating the terms and conditions of our Discord server, as outlined in Section 5.
6.2.6 Breaching or violating these Terms of Service in any other way, without limitation.

7. Gaming

We are not responsible for any issues or losses related to your online gaming accounts. You are solely responsible for the security and management of your gaming accounts.

8. Personal Data

By using our services, you acknowledge that we may process personal data in relation to the performance of the service. The processing and protection of personal data are governed by our Privacy Policy.

9. HWID Resets

HWID resets are granted exclusively upon submission of valid evidence, including a photo of the new hardware box and an image showcasing the updated PC specifications. Proof of acquiring new components is essential for the successful resetting of the Hardware Identification (HWID).

Privacy Policy

1. Collection of Personal Data

We may collect the following personal data, depending on the information you disclose to us: hardware specifications, usernames, emails, and hashed passwords (SHA256).

2. Purposes and Legal Basis for Data Processing

We will process your personal data for the purpose of providing our services and fulfilling our obligations under these Terms of Service.

3. Security Measures

We process personal data only if there is a legal basis and for legitimate purposes. We implement appropriate security measures to protect personal data in our possession.

4. Your Rights

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data.

Prestige Client